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Custom Metal Triple Barn Construction

Our steel triples and barns are the perfect way to store your oversized vehicles, boats, RVs, materials, and supplies. We can fully customize your barn to accommodate any of your needs. Whether you need a metal horse barn or an open triple-wide shelter to protect your vehicles and operate as a workshop, we can build it. Our team works directly with manufacturers to guarantee top-tier materials and a quick turnaround time. Our steel barns and triples are functional as well as visually appealing. There are endless possibilities for creating your perfect barn with various colors, materials, sizes, and unique features. With this wide range of options to choose from, we can create a barn that complements your property and adds value to it. Additionally, our fully customizable options allow you to add unique features such as windows, doors, and insulation to create a more versatile and comfortable barn for your unique applications.

Whatever your residential, agricultural, or commercial needs are, we are happy to accommodate them. Contact us today to discuss your barn plans with our customer service team.


Professional Metal Agricultural Structures

Choosing Xtreme Structurez for your barn means you’re working with a team that cares. We have years of experience constructing barns for all types of needs. Whether you need an oversized storage unit, an insulated workshop, a dairy or livestock area, or something unique, you can count on our team. It’s important to keep your materials, livestock, and equipment safe and secure throughout every Midwest season. Our metal structures are created from strong materials and hand constructed by our team of experts. Plus, we’re able to customize your barn to whatever specific requirements you have. Our team is always up to a challenge.

At Xtreme Structurez, we understand that your barn is more than just a building; it’s an important investment for your farm, ranch, or other property. That’s why we take great pride in delivering high-quality and customizable metal triple barns and more that meet all of our clients’ needs. Browse our gallery of completed projects below to see the care and quality we bring to every build.

Construct the Barn of Your Dreams

A barn or a triple doesn’t need to be ordinary and boring. And you also don’t need to put up with a subpar structure that you’ll have to maintain every season. Our metal structures are sturdy, reliable, and crafted of high-quality steel. We understand the needs of our clients and take the time to cater to them. During our first call, we’ll go over your dimensions and specifications. From there, we’ll design a barn that works for you and your property. You’ll be in contact with us throughout every step of the process. Let’s build your new barn together!

Schedule Your Consultation Today