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Metal Buildings

At Xtreme Structurez, we construct many different metal buildings for residential and commercial use. We understand the need for strong, reliable structures that stand up to the test of time, look great, and come at a competitive price. We’re able to create these metal buildings to protect your assets, boats, RVs, trucks, cars, and anything else that requires cover from the elements. Depending on your property, you may require a custom-built structure instead of a big box cover. We’re here for you. We specialize in providing top-quality custom metal buildings that are durable, functional, and visually appealing. Our skilled team of engineers and designers work closely with our clients to ensure that every aspect of the building meets their specific needs and preferences.

Our team of experts is happy to work with you on whatever you need to keep your property covered and safe. Contact us today to talk about your needs, size, material, and more. We understand that investing in a metal building or structure is a big decision, and we want to make sure you have all the information you need to feel confident in your choice. Browse our lineup of building types below including our customization options to fit your specific needs and preferences.

Roof Styles


This classic style is built with rounded corners and horizontal roof panels.


Also known as Boxed Eave, is styled more like a traditional home with horizontal roof panels.


Vertical panels on an A-Frame design are similar to those on a traditional home. The vertical roof allows rain, snow, debris, etc. to fall off more readily.

Barn Styles

Horse Barn

This style barn is comprised of rounded corners and horizontal roof panels.

Carolina Barn

These are A-Frame roof styles with a raised center. They are available with either horizontal or vertical roof panels.

Seneca Barn

These are sometimes known as continuous roof barns that are comprised of an A-Frame roof style with a choice of horizontal or vertical roof panels.

Color Charts

American Steel

Color Chart


Carolina Carports

Carolina Carports Color Chart


NorthEdge Steel

Contact Us Today to Get Started

We want you to feel comfortable with your selection. The perfect metal building or structure is available at a competitive price. No matter what your requirements are for your property, we’re here for you. There are endless possibilities for sizes, colors, adaptability, and more. Whether you need a simple carport to cover your cars or a barn with different sized doors and entrances, we’re the team for the job. It all starts with a phone call to our team. From there, we’ll discuss your options and provide you with a quote. If you’re looking for the ultimate custom structure for your residential or commercial property, don’t hesitate–contact us today.

Schedule Your Consultation Today